Monday, May 11, 2009

YAY! The T shirts are in!

Today was fabulous! Pooja was annoying me this morning about how hungry she was and how she wanted to eat my fleshy arm. . . dot dot dot.... We had a quiz today and it was terrible. Everyone came out shocked! I was devastated but everyone thought I looked relaxed and laid back... I was thinking... what?! Wahahah... Anyway the highlight of today was that we received our FBI T shirts yay!!! FYI, Stanley and I were designing the shirts during our holidays.. We checked out differnet suppliers yada yada yada.. Bascially, Stan was asking his cousin to help in the design...he'd show me the design and i'd critic and tell him what i want.. ahhaha... poor stanley !! hahahah... BUT! All of that paid off!! THE TSHIRT LOOKS GORGEOUS !! TOTDALLY FABULOUS!! TOTALLY RADICAL! awwwww i love it!! hehehe... going crazy... * running in and out of my room grinning crazily.
Anyway i got to go do my projects now. Tata
Signing out

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