Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today was very borinnggg! I can't wait for Saturday!!! I can finally eat sushi!! JAP FOODD!! That's the way to go! For those who don't know my middle finger on my left hand was burnt by my hair straightener. NO i was not trying to straighten my finger and neither did i use my middle finger on people. But i was doing someone else's hair and my finger was fried. *cries* So i have had to abstain from seafood for a LONNNGG time. And Japanese food is one of my favourite types of food.

Anyway.. Back to today. It was super boring. I spent the morning stuck in one lab. Oh! Stanley gate crashed our class and kicked up chair, giving me a fright ( cause no normal person would do that to me .. wahahaha ). Other than that.. the day was practically boring. hehehe...

Saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday
hehehe... yay! meeting up with old friends once again!

Signing out

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